RSS Feeds

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is an XML-based format for content distribution. now offers the following feeds with backlink in the RSS format. These feeds include headlines, summaries and links back to (Open Magazine). The feeds are free of charge to use for individuals and non-profit organizations for non-commercial use. In red text (Get RSS) you get the last two RSS, if you want full (10 posts) RSS of all categories please register on Open Magazine Registering for Open Magazine is easy. How to access RSS feeds You can install a news reader that displays RSS feeds from the Web sites you select, enabling you to view hundreds of headlines at once. After installing the news reader, you can add each feed manually from the Web site by clicking on the “Subscribe” or the “XML” orange button next to the feed. To get started, download a news reader. Here are some popular options: What is Artmotion Open Magazine? Artmotion Magazine provide you with the latest news and videos from the global media channels and Artmotion members. As member you can publish your story on Open Magazine. You can start for free.